This gathering is all well and good. However, their supplications, requests, and pleadings amount to "secular prayers" --- entreating each other to change their hearts and behavior. How can mortal flesh save each other --- Given the demise of Christian principles of "love thy neighbor as thyself," majority of Humans share the same flaws, vicissitudes, negative attitudes and ways of thinking, destructive prejudices, hurtful biases such as hate, enmity, back-biting, back-stabbing, resentment, jealousy, hostility; in short, all of them, all of us, having "the same sinful Human Nature" as the curse we mortal Humans inherited from the original sin of our ancestors Adam and Eve. Regrettably, moral sinfulness and physiological Entropy have a predominant influence over Human thinking and behavior; hence, our innate need to have a loving relationship with our Creator. We treat each other more humanely, more justly, more kindly, more compassionately. Therefore, in light of these undeniable self-evident Truths, only the presence of Almighty God, our loving Creator who gave us our inalienable constitutional rights as secured blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, can make a beneficent difference in our hearts, minds, spirits, and souls, for an outpouring of goodness that will give life to all our yearnings for safety, love, friendship, peace, and security. For when we all pray to the real true God of the Universe, Creator of heaven and earth, our Heavenly Father, with the same Holy Spirit in Christ Jesus, then, we are united from within, in heart, mind, soul, and spirit to effect inner-transformation and inner-change within ourselves that will then overflow in our midst as loving relationships and beneficent behaviors. In sum, we can't "pray to each other" for heavenly transcendent miracles that surpass our Human sinfulness --- we are all mortal; thus, these "secular prayers" or "pleadings and entreats" to each other, though well-meaning, will continue to fall short, because we don't have a transcendent, omniscient, sovereign, perfect, divine, and holy moral authority, God, who can overcome all our Human frailties and vices for the good of our children and our general well-being. All in all, let's return to God our loving Almighty Creator. We are already one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all! And we can't "save each other from each other" for finding permanent constructive solutions to all our social troubles and personal problems. But worse, Satan cannot unite us --- Satan can only divide and separate us through deceitful schemes of collective actions that cater to our desperate feelings and lustful emotions in times of dire stress while exploiting our common needs for security, safety, love, peace, friendship, community, and neighborliness! However, only with the Spirit of God, within us, can we entreat one another, with love and compassion, because He is empowering our mortal flesh to respond to each other's needs with the inspired vision and noble motives of love and selflessness that help us arrive at mutually beneficial solutions. Jesus Christ in us, "the Hope of Glory," empowering us "in all Christ-likeness," spiritual maturity, and moral fortitude, for real and true unity that exhorts us all to care for one another as loving friends and compassionate neighbors who are pursuing the same righteous ends, purposes, and results for the good of our children and for the benefit of our communities and neighborhoods. That's the way God's Holy Spirit in Christ Jesus works in us within our society and the world. For God is love; there is no fear in love, and perfect love casts out fear! God bless you all. God bless America! *