
The history of physics includes several examples of discovery of previously unknown forces and physical components of the universe. Is it possible that speculations about "Energy systems", astral planes and non-material entities will be accounted for by the discovery of new physics? It is common to refer to entities with no known physical basis as "energy systems". Currently, conventional physics and cosmology are exploring how to integrate "dark energy" into existing theories of the universe.

Proposed energy systems[]

controversial material substances[]

Is there a better place for this list of substances, some of which uncontroversially exist on earth, but there is some kind of controversy associated with it?

  • chaoite ("white carbon") "was discovered in shock-fused graphite gneiss from the Ries crater in Bavaria." But there is controversy over what exactly it is. Wikipedia: chaoite.
  • carbon nanotubes are being manufactured and used commercially. But some people predict that someday they will be used to build ropes of unbelievable strength and thinness (for example, see: space elevator cable), while others refuse to believe it until they see it. Some people argue that even if such unbelievably strong ropes can be built, they "must be regarded as unsafe." [1]. Also, a few people claim some kinds of carbon nanotubes are superconducting. Alas, it is completely unknown what the health effects of large quantities of nanotubes are -- one experiment showed ill effects, but some people argue that was caused by nickel contamination. Wikipedia: carbon nanotube.
  • deep-water clathrate deposits -- how much is there? Where did they come from? Is there a risk of a Wikipedia: clathrate gun hypothesis? Wikipedia: clathrate hydrates
  • polywater. Small quantities of a substance with all the properties of polywater have been produced in many labs, but it is now widely agreed that that was the result of impurities. Wikipedia: polywater
  • Spacetime itself as the basis for all matter and energy.[1]
  • ... other materials ...
